
Breaking News….

November 19th, 2017

Dateline 25, Novem, 2138

This just into our newsroom: Shadow Valley Police believe they may have captured the Campus Killer!

With the assistance of the King’s elite shadow guards, the Just; Shadow Valley Police officers have captured Mr. Marcus Jamison, resident of Shadow Valley and newest counselor hired on Monatya Independent State University at Shadow Valley’s main campus, to answer questions in regards to at least thirty individual charges of rape and murder over the past two years. He is also alleged to be responsible for many of the disappearances over he past four years in the area, though information on that is scant as yet.

The fact that he was caught in the act at the Medieval History Club’s annual Winter Coronation event was a large factor in the precipitous nature of the arrest, Officer Davalos said when asked for a statement not long after Jamison was taken away. His victim’s name and medical status have NOT been released, pending notification of their family.

Many who have known the young man over the short time he has been in our community have asked how he could be thought to be to blame, but the only reply we are getting right now from the detectives in this case is that he has been under observation for many months.

We will bring you more as details become availabe in this case.

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