
In the news in the Valley today…

November 7th, 2017

Excerpt from  recent Interview with acclaimed local author, Aurora Lynne Skye

Dateline Novembus 7, 2138

Skye–“Well, this will likely be only a short blurb, to let people know that I am still here, and haven’t forgotten the fact that people sometimes read these things, if they have nothing better to do… But I thought they might be interested to know that I did start my new NanoWrimo project for the year, so maybe I will be able to add a few things to the one I chose. But it also means that I will be even more busy than I have been until now, and it might delay work on Winter Coronation, though that would only be for the month of Novembus– that is November to those of you reading this on the ‘Net on Earth!”

Jones– Does this mean that you will miss your stated deadline, Miss Skye?

Skye– (Laughs) “No, Selby… I can call you Selby, right? Thank you. No, it doesn’t mean that at all. This cookbook is something Joanna has been after me to write out for her for simply years. And this is just the first chance I’ve had to devote more attention to it, that’s all.”

Jones– Well, if that is the case, I shouldn’t keep you any longer, but your fans will want to be kept in the loop, Miss Skye.

Skye– “I know, and that is what these interviews are for.  But you are quite right. (phone chirps) Excuse me a minute, I gotta take this call.” (Turns away slightly) “Yeah, Boss? Oh… okay. I’ll be back as soon as I can get to the house. Unless you want to do the interviews for a while…? No? Okay. Is there anything you need me to pick up from the store on my way back? Okay. Be back soon, then.” (Sighs as hangs up phone) “Sorry about that, Selby. I guess you overheard…?”

Jones– Yeah. I should let you get back to work. Pass on our greetings to her Ladyship, will you?

Skye– “Of course.”

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