
Today’s Updates to the news

October 25th, 2017

Today has been quiet, but I think it may well be the calm before the storm, so to speak. I have gotten to almost 940 pages, but that total will likely change before I get to go to bed tonight.

The temps have been very high again, but hopefully the rains will come back soon. The last day that we had any rain was a week ago yesterday, and even now the ground is still sort of wet in places, and the garden reflects it. But we still need more rain. However, enough of my complaints. After all, the mushrooms seem to be doing fine for now.

But at the same time, I know that I should make use of the opportunity that has been gifted to me.

Today is the first day that I was aware that the website was running, so I didn’t really expect much. But I hope that there will be more action over the course of time. I have also been working on several other stories, so it will probably be a while before I get the second one done enough to be published, or even the third book in the Joanna Lathom set.

But there are many other story sets that I am working on; Jenna’s Sacrifice, Mystery on Green Ridge, and Houses of the Heart, to mention only a few. And of course there is the poetry book, A brief Kiss in the Shadows that is coming, but that won’t be ready for quite a while. I am hoping for a spring publication date for that one and its companion volume.

Jenna’s Sacrifice can be found on, as can Journeying through the Shadows, In the Garden,  and The Cabin. And Dark Fantasies is available in part on, though the finished version will be published later, when I have a chance to get it done. There may be other stories out there, and if there are, then you should look for them, and get back to me about what you found.

But that is about all for right now. If there is anything more that occurs to me, I will add it as soon as I can.

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